About the Blog

What is Environmental Justice? How is related to all the talk about sustainability? According to the EPA, "Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies." Here at Environmental Justice at Tufts University, we aim to find the intersection between environmental issues and social injustice both on and off campus. Throughout the semester, a group of us have been dedicating our time to the literatures of people from all over the world who are confronting environmental injustice. We've looked at places in South Africa, the United States, Bengal, Ghana, Guayo, and Tanzania to name a few. These communities bear the disproportionate environmental burden of unjust social practices controlled on both a local and global scale. By analyzing a few of situations here at Tufts, we hope to define environmental justice on a large scale, deconstruct those social practices that cause environmental injustice and take action against these systems.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Democracy

-What does Vandana Shiva say "Earth Democracy" is? 
-Why is it our responsibility to know what we consume? 
-How does what we consume affect our environment? 

Click the link below to learn how a nation founded on democracy fails to uphold the principle of equality when it comes to food production.

 Hindu prayer recited by Vandana Shiva in her talk about Earth Democracy:

"This universe is for all beings and their happiness.
Enjoy the gifts without greed. 
Shun greed,
 and remember at every point of enjoying the gifts of the earth, that others have a share.
Do not take their share.
Do not steal from other species, other humans, and generations to come."

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